Monday, March 28, 2016

This doesn't count!

New Years resolution- go on more dates or even 1 date! It wasn't on my laminated copy, but I promised myself that in exchange for dating and putting myself out there, that I would be realistic and rational and be abundantly aware, within my power, to not be foolish or lavish with my feelings. That I wouldn't cry when all signs pointed to FOOL DON'T FEEL and then feel and then cry.
3 months. Now 24 hours of tears. Damn it
How did this happen?
But. He has a voice for radio, a face for television... and a brain for stories, random beautiful facts, a heart of gold and sexy hands.
So the number that has been done to him is apparently not one that I'm patient enough  to endure. And my number isn't one that he's even asked about. But why did he initiate a courtship he wasn't ready or whole for? That's selfish, isn't it?
I guess that's how we hurt- so oblivious and isolated until we see that we don't have to be but it might be too late  by then.

I'm going to replace dating with volunteer work- more fulfilling!!!

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