Saturday, December 18, 2010


Remember when you were a young pickney and you had a curfew? Which essentially ensured that you'd be in bed a certain time- usually about an hour after curfew.
I need a curfew. I haven't gotten in bed before midnight for about 3 weeks (Sunday last week I was in bed by 10pm and asleep before I hit the pillow- I was wiped-  but gotten woken by my roomies thunder steps when she got home at 1:30am and the last time I looked at the clock after that was 4:34am). I've gotten in bed around 2:30am and am falling asleep around 5am. It's 5:37am and I'm just thinking about getting to bed pending writing a few more Christmas cards.
Granted I was at work until 4am and grabbed a shower before plopping down to blog. Should one really blog at this hour?
I suppose it's better than drunk blogging. I've read over some of my drunk blogs and have felt shame; but didn't delete- if you can't take the worst of me, you don't get the best of me (Thanks Marilyn). Annnd I don't get up until 3 in the afternoon, and have been showering and going to work anyway. Exciting life!!


January has already went ahead and got me worried. But it's not January's fault. I have one shift this week at Real Sports... what if that keeps up? One cannot pay bills on one shift a week and one can certainly not save money on that shift. Especially when it's a 5 hour shift on a Sunday afternoon. *sigh*
I suppose I should seek additional employment until it picks up.
Perhaps though, with my new agent, I will be busy making money while living my dream! I believe it will happen.


Roomie is seeing a really nice guy and the two of them have conspired to hook me up with someone he knows. Roomie has assured that she assured her guy that "I'm nice and real and I'm not like" roomie. We'll see how this goes. Last time friends hooked me up, the guy ordered for me, made me go for a walk after dinner to burn calories but assured me I'm hot enough to date him, he checked and talked the entire time about how awesome he is and kept asking me what I thought of him; it was truly awful because he drove an hour away from where I was living at the time, to dine me- which also means an hour ride home.

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