Tuesday, May 22, 2012


When I was at work on Saturday a customer I served offered me a job- or at least the opportunity to come in and interview for a job. I indeed emailed him and he emailed me back and hence I go for an interview!
I'm not exactly sure what the job is and therefore do not know what I'd be doing... or how much I'd be making. I'm sure whatever it is, it would be a more delightful challenge than what I'm doing now.
We'll see.
And while I'm nervous for the interview, I'm currently more frustrated and angry at myself for wasting my day, than I am to interview.

I woke up and got ready to go shopping to purchase a professional outfit for my interview, only to discover that while leaving in a huff to go to the BF's house to sleep the night before, I'd forgotten the set of keys he'd given me to his place.
I could've left- I spoke to him and he said it was fine of I left his place unlocked. I didn't want to do that Just In Case. Aaand I was super tired and hungry and figured that I would have all evening to find an outfit- how long could it take?!
My sister and handsome nephew came up and we went to an audition at 5:30- we'll see how that goes as I can't seem to book anything- hopefully I don't jinx the poor kid. Then we went to the eatons centre. Everything takes longer when a stroller is involved. Just something I noticed. And that there are a lot of lazy people taking the elevator when they could walk or use the escalator. We have a stroller people... what's you're excuse for being lazy?!?!?!
the BF met us shopping. Big mistake. My sister is sweet and understands my desire to look trendy and still be comfortable, the BF is an ex Bay street guy and I believe wants a shot at being on the Fashion Police aaaand it seems when it comes to me spending money on my own clothes, is also cheap.

The first outfit I tried on I wanted but was convinced it was too expensive. And on and on went the trying on and opposing feedback.
I eventually just got the first outfit- I didn't end up finding, however, an appropriate shoe. Oh well.

And then rather than coming home and prepping for the interview, sleeping at the BF's house which is much closer to the interview than where I live, I went to a movie as I'd promised the BF I would.
I also didn't work out for toughmudder (.com)  yet again. I had poutine instead. FML.

Then I arrived home at about 12:30am with no printer, and no resumes printed off, no method of transport as that is also at the BF's and no prep done.

And then the BF curled up in my bed after getting himself a glass of water and asked me what he could do to help.
I wanted to shin kick up and scream and yell and cry.

Instead I suggest he head home as I have a lot of figuring to do for the night and I didn't want to blame him because I'm an idiot and didn't do anything I was supposed to do.

Now the internet keeps working... intermittently. Very annoying. and I'm going to plug away and hopefully get enough sleep to not randomly cry during my interview.

KICK ROCKS! I am so mad at myself.  

Monday, May 21, 2012

Moving Boxes

I'm moving. Next week.
I'm not sure where to though...
Or if I'm moving alone or in the with the BF.

I do know that I haven't found a home yet and that I have found a storage locker to store my things until I do find my home.

When I find this home, I am not moving until I buy my own.

I forget every year how much work moving is and how much I dislike doing it.

I've moved every year since 2004. sometimes twice in one year.

I'm not doing it again for a while!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Post Vacation Recovery...

So I did this wonderful thing on my vacay. I slept. I passed out hard every night by midnight. I didn't always have the best sleeps but I was in bed and I stayed there until I smelled breakfast around 8am. It was pretty great.
Now I'm back to life, trying to start training for ToughMudder(.com) and back at my work schedule (3pm-3am four to five days a week) and I can't sleep past 9am! Problematic when you hit the hay at 4am.

I biked to work yesterday. 9.6km each way. I'll be doing it again today. Only I'll bike to the BF's after work tonight. It's closer. Maybe like 4km.

I'm excited to sleep in his bed. It's so comfy.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I'm Back

Just got back from Jamaica- I went with my BF and met up with my dad and lil sister for a bit- stayed at a resort. with family. in the country. in kingston. went to the beach a bit. fought a lot of mosquito's- I'm not sure if I won or not.
While I was at my Aunt Pat's house, she suggested, that if BF or I have a blog, we blog about the ants we had in our food, the crappy restaurants, the few activities and the staff that begged for money during our stay at the lovely Riu (http://www.riu.com/en/Paises/jamaica/ocho-rios/clubhotel-riu-ocho-rios/oferta.jsp).
I didn't mention that I have a blog because it's been so long since I wrote in it.
And since it's been so long since I've blogged I didn't think it would be appropriate to complain about my vacation in my return.

But it did make me think about blogging again... and all of the things that I used to do. I used to sit on my laptop for hours looking for acting work, reading the papers, looking for jobs, trying to find free courses. and watching tv all the while.
I used to learn monologues that I would never remember or do for an audition just to keep myself sharp. I used to go for long rollerblades or short runs.

I also didn't have a job. OR I had a job and worked less than 30 hours a week.

Now I work over 45hours a week and when I'm not working I'm sleeping or being grumpy that I haven't booked an acting gig since this time last year...

But I decided, when my Aunt asked if we had a blog, that I should be doing more. that I can do more. So I'm going to start small. I'll start with my blog.