Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I'm Back

Just got back from Jamaica- I went with my BF and met up with my dad and lil sister for a bit- stayed at a resort. with family. in the country. in kingston. went to the beach a bit. fought a lot of mosquito's- I'm not sure if I won or not.
While I was at my Aunt Pat's house, she suggested, that if BF or I have a blog, we blog about the ants we had in our food, the crappy restaurants, the few activities and the staff that begged for money during our stay at the lovely Riu (http://www.riu.com/en/Paises/jamaica/ocho-rios/clubhotel-riu-ocho-rios/oferta.jsp).
I didn't mention that I have a blog because it's been so long since I wrote in it.
And since it's been so long since I've blogged I didn't think it would be appropriate to complain about my vacation in my return.

But it did make me think about blogging again... and all of the things that I used to do. I used to sit on my laptop for hours looking for acting work, reading the papers, looking for jobs, trying to find free courses. and watching tv all the while.
I used to learn monologues that I would never remember or do for an audition just to keep myself sharp. I used to go for long rollerblades or short runs.

I also didn't have a job. OR I had a job and worked less than 30 hours a week.

Now I work over 45hours a week and when I'm not working I'm sleeping or being grumpy that I haven't booked an acting gig since this time last year...

But I decided, when my Aunt asked if we had a blog, that I should be doing more. that I can do more. So I'm going to start small. I'll start with my blog.

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