Thursday, September 30, 2010

Late night, come home, work sucks, I know...

I tried blogging from work but I was too busy. Which just proves my point that I am busy when I'm at work Skunk (theory behind the code name Skunk: really unique looking beautiful creature who expels lingering fetid odour when intimated or uncomfortable; a thoroughly contemptible person)!
I'm worried about Model who is after a lateral promotion; I'm worried that he'll get it and he'll be taken advantage of and loose his schedule flexibility and either have to give up the job or give up his dream. And I think I can legit worry because I just did the same thing and now I'm caught between a rock and an awfully tough spot...
One of my favourite books is the Harvard Business Review on Talent Management; it has articles and research about managing different people, both above and below you and different tools you can use to keep A players playing ect. I'm going to cross some lines and photo copy some articles and give it to Skunk and Leper (a person who is ignored or despised, a person who is affected), they are loosing staff so fast you'd think they were skunks and lepers...

Once when I was asking for a day off after working 9 days in a row, Skunk told me that I'll get use to having a fulltime job, but I'm just not used to working yet. I wanted to back hand her. I've been working since I was 14 and baby-sat before that. I earned a degree! I've been working for the same bar for over a year and yes, I'd only been at this job for 3 months but I don't see Skunk working two jobs and working 9 days in a row at either. Shut Up!

On an unrelated note...
I told some guy I'd let him take me out for dinner and it's a total lie. First of all I work 4pm-1am every day, second I'm not attracted to him and third, IF I have some time off, I don't want to go for dinner with a stranger, I want to see my friends and family. Buuuut, I couldn't say all of that, apparently it's rude. And I'm sorry, am I just not down with the dating lingo and protocol?.... If you want to call me and take me out, cool, but I'm not going to respond to a bbm message so No  you can't have my pin, and No we cannot be facebook friends first (request ignored). Man Up! I'm going to be single forever. 

One of my best gf's and I went to a movie the other day; she's always brutally honest with me- I love it. I told her she looked great and she told me that she's known me forever and I've never looked this tired. Great.

I have to get my blood tested for my life insurance tomorrow; the nurse is kind enough to come to my home. But I have to fast... FAST?! For how long?! I NEED to have a snack when I come home from work, and I don't get home from work until 1:30am and I don't go to bed until 3 or 4am and Male Nurse is coming at 10am... I'll need food. I was not hungry when I finished work today and for the first time since starting this job in May, I stopped for food after; Pizza Pizza to be precise. I should've just had some H2O...

You know all that mind over matter crap, think yourself happy and all that jazz (which I totally love)? Why doesn't it work with body fat?.. Just sayin. It would be nice to wake up with abs and 38" hips...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2 movie passes!!

I do expect a few pats on the back for this: I took public transportation today when I could've taken my car.
Granted the engine light came on in Binty (my car) last night.... But I spent $6.00 on transportation and I walked instead. Met up with some peeps for lunch, but not before some woman hacked all over my life in the subway... and I almost fell in the damn subway car and had to catch myself, therefore touch a pole. My peeps and I had burgers at Grindhouse (yum) and it did not occur to me until after I had eaten that I didn't wash the TTC filth off my paws before dining. Fuckity. My car is filthy, but at least it's my filth. I've decided that if need be, I would SO be that person who wore a medical mask in public during flu season. And I can't hide it, if you disgust me with your coughing and hacking and sneezing it's all over my face... as I'm sure it was today. Her filthy distraction caused me to miss my stop too... Well, my staring and disgust caused the missed stop but I'm blaming coughing lady anyways.
On a TTC related note, I would just like to say that I still believe in chivalry. I don't think it's just for men to charm women. Why didn't anyone give up their seats for the older folks on the subway car today? Well...Umm, no I didn't. This old guy gets on the car and heads the other way looking for a seat and no one moved!! No one even moved over so he could hold the pole!!! I wanted to go and get him to give him my seat but I knew that if I moved, someone would just take it. And I was too embarrassed to yell for him. Lame. That makes me lame.
Anyway, the whole reason I was on the damn TTC was to get to Bloor street to shop for boots. I never made it there. I did however shop. Two pairs of pants, 1 tee, 1 sweater, 1 mascara and 2 pairs of gloves later... no boots. I was also seduced into buying $75 worth of merchandise at Shoppers for 2 free movie passes! What a deal! And I'm going to the movies right now! The Shoppers is on the lower level, the AMC theatre is one level up. The movie passes were for Cineplex. Tricky bastards.

I always know when my roomie has showered; she leaves the water dripping. That stupid tap tap tap tap kills me! And whales. It's driving me nuts. I've gotta stop it; and yes, you CAN call me hero- saving the world one water drip at a time.


If I had a penny for every time someone told me to blog I'd have $.03. So here goes...

Have you ever stayed in bed so long and you re so hungry and thirsty that you've convinced yourself that when you arise from your "slumber" your omelet will be ready... And then you actually get up parched and starved and the omelet isn't ready, so you start making it and begin by throwing an egg on the only carpet that's been placed in front of the sink and nearly shave off a bit of your thumb because you were too lazy to get out a cutting board and use your palm instead and then while looking for not mouldy cheese you discover a beer that was frozen, thawed and then put back in the fridge by your non beer drinking roomie, so you decide to dump it and the over whelming smell of skunky beer nearly causes you to toss the wee bits of wine left over in your stomach but you don't because you're omelet is about to burn, which can't happen because that could very well be the highlight of your day so you chop the tomatoes (on the cupboard this time.. where is that DAMN cutting board?!) and throw them into the omelet, throw the omelet onto a plate and come back to your room where you watch the last bit of Two and A Half Men on your laptop that has no battery left from your comfy seat on the floor and discover that you didn't make enough omelet? Me either.

What's the protocol on blogging anyway? Do I blog as I think of things or do I wait until before I go to bed and tell the tales from my day?
I feel like I could write forever right now... I have SO many things on a daily basis that I want to say to people but i can't because it's not socially acceptable. And I have some decisions to make; like do I use names or make them up? Maybe I can make up creatures or use objects to represent the people i will blog about often, it will be metaphoric. AND by using metaphor perhaps I'll better fit in with this theatre/film/tv crowd  want to be around me more often... Wait. Should I be reading more books instead of doing this?
Did you know that Toronto is the 18th most expensive city to live in in the world (I got that fact from Virgin Radio... don't quote me)? Everyone in this city just works and works and then spends all their money trying to look like and act like what they think everyone else thinks they should act like. And yet all those lame people have read more books than me, travelled to more places, been to more clubs, gone out for more dinners and had WAY more dates than me. And they look well rested. I don't get it. I've been reading the same 3 books for a year!! and don't say it, I will not read one at a time because they're all very different.
What was my point? Oh, how does everyone have time for all this; to be so well rounded? Maybe they don't have any student debt and their family's live close by and they like their jobs (of which they only have one) and they're blessed with nice finger nails that don't bend and don't have one random nail that occasionally goes yellow. Maybe they're all getting laid.
Maybe I should take a second and breathe before I give Taylor Swift new lyrics.