Thursday, September 30, 2010

Late night, come home, work sucks, I know...

I tried blogging from work but I was too busy. Which just proves my point that I am busy when I'm at work Skunk (theory behind the code name Skunk: really unique looking beautiful creature who expels lingering fetid odour when intimated or uncomfortable; a thoroughly contemptible person)!
I'm worried about Model who is after a lateral promotion; I'm worried that he'll get it and he'll be taken advantage of and loose his schedule flexibility and either have to give up the job or give up his dream. And I think I can legit worry because I just did the same thing and now I'm caught between a rock and an awfully tough spot...
One of my favourite books is the Harvard Business Review on Talent Management; it has articles and research about managing different people, both above and below you and different tools you can use to keep A players playing ect. I'm going to cross some lines and photo copy some articles and give it to Skunk and Leper (a person who is ignored or despised, a person who is affected), they are loosing staff so fast you'd think they were skunks and lepers...

Once when I was asking for a day off after working 9 days in a row, Skunk told me that I'll get use to having a fulltime job, but I'm just not used to working yet. I wanted to back hand her. I've been working since I was 14 and baby-sat before that. I earned a degree! I've been working for the same bar for over a year and yes, I'd only been at this job for 3 months but I don't see Skunk working two jobs and working 9 days in a row at either. Shut Up!

On an unrelated note...
I told some guy I'd let him take me out for dinner and it's a total lie. First of all I work 4pm-1am every day, second I'm not attracted to him and third, IF I have some time off, I don't want to go for dinner with a stranger, I want to see my friends and family. Buuuut, I couldn't say all of that, apparently it's rude. And I'm sorry, am I just not down with the dating lingo and protocol?.... If you want to call me and take me out, cool, but I'm not going to respond to a bbm message so No  you can't have my pin, and No we cannot be facebook friends first (request ignored). Man Up! I'm going to be single forever. 

One of my best gf's and I went to a movie the other day; she's always brutally honest with me- I love it. I told her she looked great and she told me that she's known me forever and I've never looked this tired. Great.

I have to get my blood tested for my life insurance tomorrow; the nurse is kind enough to come to my home. But I have to fast... FAST?! For how long?! I NEED to have a snack when I come home from work, and I don't get home from work until 1:30am and I don't go to bed until 3 or 4am and Male Nurse is coming at 10am... I'll need food. I was not hungry when I finished work today and for the first time since starting this job in May, I stopped for food after; Pizza Pizza to be precise. I should've just had some H2O...

You know all that mind over matter crap, think yourself happy and all that jazz (which I totally love)? Why doesn't it work with body fat?.. Just sayin. It would be nice to wake up with abs and 38" hips...


  1. i've called two girls since coming back to school and both times i went to voicemail and both times i received a text moments later.

    both times it was the girl sending a message to make plans. both times we could have talked over the phone to make those plans, both times they showed they would rather text.

    i don't get it. i try to man up, but that doesn't seem to be what is wanted of me.

  2. :(
    You just have to stay strong. Some one will answer!
