Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Cowboys Calgary

I thought I'd try and reverse my luck.
Which as I write that I feel a fool.... we're supposed to create our own destiny right..? But sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you try, you still need the stars to align or a bit of dumb luck to succeed... right?

So remember a few weeks ago when I was gloating that I got a job at Cowboys for the Stampede? I was so excited because they interviewed over 2000 people or something and only hired a couple hundred.
Working at the busiest bar during the busiest party of the year should be lucrative right?... WRONG

After purchasing cowboy boots, a hat, un-torn denim and the cowboys uniform, driving to Calgary and two days of orientation, I lined up to receive my schedule only to find out that I was on no schedule... Somehow I'd slipped through the cracks.
No worries they said, we know we hired you and it's our mistake, let us fix it.
So the next day i received my schedule by email and went in for my first shift the following day; I was to be a bottle service girl!
First shift, I served in the general crowds. It was terrible. These are the first bartenders I've ever worked along side that actually think they are gods. I've heard of bartenders being like this, but being an excellent bartenders myself, I'd never encountered it and see no reason for the complex. The people I was serving were actually from Waterloo Ontario, so close to my home town and they were wonderful.... especially considering it was about a 30 minute wait between drinks for them because the bartenders didn't want to serve the servers... EXCELLENT...

The remainder of my shifts I have gone in, not been given a table to serve (along with many other girls), wandered the crowds trying to find a wealthy group who would like to drink $433.00 bottles of crappy greygoose (required to purchase a min of 4) and stood around trying to assist the girls who did get tables. So who IS getting the tables you ask... well... on the night shift, the manager gives the tables to her friends EVEN IF THEY AREN'T SCHEDULED TO WORK and on the day shift, I seem to always be scheduled 30 minutes after everyone else so those girls get the tables, and some of them get sent home along with me.

GRRRR! At this point I would like to make back the money that I've spent.

Anyway... I thought if I put it out into the universe the opposite of what I had put out before it may reverse my luck...
No more gloating about working the Stampede.

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