Monday, March 14, 2011

Horoscope for the rest of your days

I believe that believing you're fated for something great or something challenging that you can overcome, changes your destiny.

I'm writing a birthday card for a friend, and I looked up his horoscope and then had this random thought that I'd be out to dinner with him and his friends and his girlfriend gave me a speech about how horoscopes are crap because we shape our own futures which, in this thought, I found very annoying because it sparked a livley conversation about controlling your own destiny and the convo was driven by everyone else assumption that I don't believe we have control because I believe in horoscopes.
And that thought led me to thinking up my opening sentence, which I had to share because it reminds me of my thoughts and questions about god and faith- and furthers my argument that it's our belief in something greater, even if it's inside of yourself, that ties us all together, not necessarily what that god is or represents, or if one even exists. 

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