Saturday, December 29, 2012

Big New Year's Party!

I cut my final tie to JWs today- no more joint account. I cried right after. We had a really great texting conversation (can you call a text convo that?) the other day and then he clammed up on me again. A good chat with my/our friends last night reminded me what love is... and JWs doesn't love me. And I am realising why that is a good thing.

So then I started writing my Christmas cards (yes I am aware that it's Dec 29th)... It's the thought that counts!!!!!! But I was kind-of in a bummy mood so I started watching tv instead.

And then remembered that I still don't have a job and should look for one of those, and booted up the ol' laptop, but it was being super slow, so I put that aside and wrote the Christmas cards. I have to finish them tonight. I've written 10 so far, 16 more to go. It took me 4 hours to write the 10... probably because I was watching tv at the same time.

I thought to blog because my buddy just asked me what my new years plans are and when I told him I'd be cooking dinner and having drinks with my very good friend, he asked me 'why, what happened?'

I could look at staying in and doing very little as a sad thing... no big party, no midnight kiss and no man to share my new year with, no job and no clear financial plan, plus my heart still hurts from JWs.
But I won't. This year happens to be rolling in at the same time that I am starting a bunch of things new and fresh. A new job (soon I'm sure!), open to new relationships, to moving, to travelling, to planning, to paying off debts.
Staying in just symbolises the respect that I have for myself, my financial plans AND the love that I have for my friend- I get to ring in the new year with a great person!

What are you doing?

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