Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I am quite confident that if I could just throw a temper tantrum, scream and shout, both at nothing and at people, including the mirror, break a few things, dent a couple of cars, and maybe eat a poutine and giant bowl of strawberries, wash it down with some chips (sour cream and onion lays please!) and beer and have a nap, then I would feel less stressed about writing this STUPID CV I'm supposed to be doing for a woman I've never met for a job I might not get.
My resume has been edited by 3 different professionals in fields that I would be sending it in to- they made some changes and suggestions, which I have since made. I've also had my resume looked at by a professional resume writer. So having to re-do for it stranger is actually driving me insane. It's not like I just threw it together!!
Now granted, she IS making suggestions. She said that based on my experience level, it should be about 26 pages.


I guarantee that I'm not going to!!! I'm not going to flip back through a 26 page exaggeration about myself even to proofread it!! That spell check tool had better pull through.

I just hate sitting at a desk (or on the floor in this case) and doing the same thing- typing and thinking about the same thing. SIGH SO LOUD AND DEEP AND LONG!

Okay. Here I go.

I must appreciate and move forward. 

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