Thursday, January 3, 2013

My fish talks to me like my parents do

I think that I packed my nail polish remover away into storage when I moved into storage and to Sauga. I got a discount manicure a couple of weeks ago and last week, when the polish looked really ratty I started picking it off (that gives me much delight... and stress). What wouldn't pick off, I filed it off. Then I buffed my nails so they were beautiful and shaped again.
But then new years eve came, so I repainted them a lovely burgandyish purple. But by the 1st, I was already picking away. Picking off dark nail polish makes your fingers look like they have a very peculiar form of leprosy.
Still having forgotten to pick up nail polish remover (and some blood worms for my fish. again.) I opted to watch back to back episodes of Criminal Minds before bed while filing off my nail polish again.
An alarmingly large amount of my actual nails seems to have come off between these two nail polish removing sessions. My right thumb, index and pinky and left pinky nail beds are pink(er thank normal) and very sensitive to the touch, and all of my finger tips are sensitive where the nail turns white.
They, however, look great.

And my fish just has to eat regular food. We've been staring at each other all day. I'm quite certain that my fish (Kristian is his name by the way) is wondering why I've been sitting in front of him all day on my laptop when I could be playing outside.
I tried to explain to him that it's -2 celcius outside, plus the wind-chill and that there's no sunshine. And that I had no one to play with.
I tried to explain to him that I have no job and these days, 90% of jobs only accept online applications and that that is what I was doing.
I tried to explain to him that I had to finish my writing before I could work out.
He just kept staring at me. Like he thought that those were all excuses....

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