Thursday, January 17, 2013


Every time I talk to JWs, it is like we break up all over again. We do the dance where he only tells me some of the truth for fear of disappointing me and I eventually get tired of prying and get annoyed. Then he says or implies that I'm mean and unsympathetic and far less sensitive and of course, trying to pick a fight. And I give up and remember that he lied, or falsified far too many things during our stint and start to get defensive. And then he says he is too tired and doesn't care to fight...
(sidenote: anyone who has ever said that- is so annoying. Nobody wants to fight their friends, family, or lover you idiot- they want to know that they're understood. Nobody WANTS to fight, they want to be heard and maybe if you weren't such an ignoramus, you'd realise that the conversation you're having is with someone scratching for a shot sharing and hearing at the truth)
...and you say you didn't know you were fighting but FIIINEEE! Goodnight. And then 5 minutes later you take back the 'good' and just say 'night'.Even though its only 9:30 and you won't go to bed for hours.
And then you spend the next few days feeling like you broke up all over again.

And it's sad and embarrassing so you don't tell your friends because its been too many months since he left and you promised at new years that you were over him.
And you are. Truely. And you know that you're not a good fit and don't want to be with him, you just want all of that time you spent together to make sense and it definitely doesn't if every conversation ends with the same thing. He runs and you over think it.

I may have "dodged a bullet" but I still got hit by some of the other ones....
(Also. How much longer until I can make shooting jokes? Probably never..)


None of that will happen again. Cause I terminated it.

Bobbi is back. SHOUT!!

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