Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!!!

This day needs some defense.

Yes it's a commercial way to beef up retail markets as this time of year is low for spending.
But this day comes shortly after another calendar date: the most depressing day of the year.

Who cares that it's all commercial!!!? It's an excuse to leave work early and spend an extra hour with the people you love- a chance to buy flowers on sale or make a card and give them to your wife or daughter or boyfriend or mom. It's a good day. And you don't have to empty your wallet, DO something sweet like call an extra time to check in on y our lover, go down on your man, leave a love note in your kids lunch box... It's a day for all the slackers of the world who rarely say I love, who never hold doors or make breakfast in bed. It's a day where if you say I LOVE YOU- it's completely cache and totally okay. It's a day for all those wonderful children women and men who show those they love, their love everyday- a day where they can go completely over the top and do something ridiculously wonderful like send them flowers to work with a singing telegram.

Valentines Day is like your birthday- only it's everyone else's birthday at the same time.

I hope you have a wonderful day and that you know you're loved! I hope that not only does someone take a minute to tell you they care about you, but that you do the same for those you love.


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