Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'm from the Southern State Stratford, in the heart of... umm... Alabama I suppose.

When I first moved to the GTA in 2004, people kept asking me where I was from. Nobody believe that I was Canadian. I still get asked what State I'm from, from the occasional American. I always found this confusing because as far as I could tell, I talked like everyone else and I knew I didn't have any sort of speech impediment.

When I was leaving Stratford today I got gas and the attendant asked, "Any-thang else for ya ma'm?" The Tim Hortons drive through girl handed me my green tea and said "heresthat green tea forya." like she didn't know 'here's' is actually HERE IS and 'heresthat' is two words and that 'ya' is actually YOU.
Sometimes I hear people from my hometown talking and they say things like "well I ain't never hearda that afore"  and "them roads isa slippery ashell" So... does that mean you HAVE heard of it and that the roads are slippery because they're hot?... I don't get it. And then those same people think I'm a snob.
 No wonder they all hate Justin Bieber, he's a good looking little proper spoken, snotless nosed highschool kid who got a lucky break from his shit life and a mother who said things like "I never asked you to buy me no candy with uur singin' change"
Apparently his mother and  grandmother complain about having to chaperon him all the time. oooh you poor parents; what a disappointing set of circumstances.

Anyway... I digress. I wonder if I should be concerned about ever moving to the good ol' USA.  If I pick up on the language of those around me so well that I don't even notice it, perhaps I should stay away from places like Boston and Chicago and many southern states (which is where people always ask me if I'm from!! NO.. I ain't from Pennsylvania!) Haha.

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