Monday, December 6, 2010


Do you ever listen to your friends talk, watch their lips while they're telling stories and then stop listening because you realize you've heard the story before; it was your life however long ago? And when you see the lips stall you interrupt with all of your worldly advice because all you want to do is protect your person from making the same mistakes you did. and then when you're done giving your advice they say thanks and come back a week, a day, a month later with "I wish I had understood what you were saying then or did what you told me to do".and while you sit there giving them new advice because you did the same thing they are currently doing, realize that you've become your parents in your own right? because for the most part our parents give us advice with our best interest in mind and you hate(d) it because you know better than them or you hate the idea of heading the advice given because it might take away from your own opportunity to grow via making mistakes or you believe that you may be that one person in 1 billion that has things go the way you anticipate or dream it will.
no? me either.
or how about growing up with parents so strict in some regards that their advice becomes rules and therefore takes your chance to make your own mistakes away, which results in house arrest (grounding) or phone privileges being taken away or something of equally devastating consequence? My parents spent the majority of my life telling me about boys and sex and "if I tell you there's a hole there and you go there anyway and fall in, you're on your own" and about education ruling the world and how not everyone gets equal chances and nothing is fair.
One gets to be tough on themselves  after a while and expect nothing less than perfect worried that if something less than that is produced no one will take them, and one starts to believe that if you're not going to be number one then why do it, worry that an A is not good enough when you should've gotten an A++, worry that all men are looking at you for sex if you forget to cross your legs and that gaps in your teeth are just a reminder that you should always smile with your mouth closed.
Buuut then you remember that nobody is perfect and your parents always want the best for you and that one time you didn't cross your legs and the man that offered to buy you a vacation (with him) was probably talking through the vodka (and IS your parents warning) because you were wearing pants and that that 'A' got you into post secondary school with a scholarship and you can't help it if you have veiny legs because.... well that seems to be genetic and so are those gap teeth and... well....nobody's perfect.

I'm sorry what was I talking about? Dust? falling on our past and us blowing it away and it landing on some one else and us trying to brush it off them because you feel like it's you're dust? no? ummmm


because I learned a lot about Mama while I was there. And me. one of the things I learned about me is that I need more carbs in my life and probably less beer. Sometimes I can't decide if what I learn about people I felt like I knew is more hurtful than the fact that I didn't see what I learned, coming.

Or was I talking about the food/possible alcohol poisoning I got from Mcdonalds/beer? I think it was a Sausauge and egg mcmuffin I had in buffalo.... they are NOT supposed to taste like that!! it was shortly after that the vomiting ensued. for 15 hours.

Or was I talking about working at Real Sports Bar and how I have to learn every job before starting bartending and I absolutely despise serving and I don't know when my first bartending shift  is?


I made my first ever chili today. It was good. Not as good as I'd hoped, but still very good!


I feel like your home should only get dusty if you're in it or you leave it for a while with the heat/fans on.

I've been home about 24 hours in the last 5 days and everything is dusty.

1 comment:

  1. I gotta say : WTF?! ok,that was it. I hope you learned your lessons and that your friends learned their lessons and that from now on you listen to advice thinking a)I will think about this before I decide and b) if I decide to do it and it a)goes wrong: then you're screwed b) if it goes well: then yaayy for you!!Later Bob. I heart you.
