Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This is my face.

My roommate is telling me about how this guy she's seeing saw me at my old job and even though I was really nice to him and charged his phone, he think's I'm a bitch... but he's not sure but judging by my face, I look like in "real life" I'd be a bitch.

A girl I've know for 2 days and another for 1 hour at my new job and I were chatting about the people that work at this bar I'm now at and how some of the bartenders are really bitchy and rude for no reason. And I was saying that I understand it's 'their space' and like things done a certain way but being rude to me for no reason will not go over will with me... because I will tell them they are rude, probably tell on them and then secretly cry in the washroom. And these two girls who I barely know both declared that they don't think that I will have any problems because I look like I can  hold my own and I am 'kind of, you know, hard like those mean girls are'. What does that even mean?! And I chuckled out loud with them and thought to myself  I am really sensitive, how come people don't see that?
I also watched a few of the other girls at work today suck up to the mean girls. And I thought it was funny because I would never do that. Maybe that's what people see..?

Apparently Chris Frampton, infamous Toronto Photographer looks at my face and sees WRINKLES! I got my headshots back today... I look exhausted, which I was... but the piles of makeup the artist put on should've corrected that (except she put more eye-shadow on one eye) and I look about... 32... my roommate says 36. The lighting is set up in such a way that when I'm not smiling I look like I have bad botox in the chin/cheek area and when I am smiling I have CROWS FEET and about 3 wrinkles PER SIDE on my cheeks.
I admit that I do not look like the young spring chicken I used to, but I should still look like a chicken in the prime of her egg laying years in all of those damn photos!!!!

I can't decide what's worse... you all perceiving me as a bitch or as some older, haggier version of me!!

Ok. Who am I kidding... I'd much rather look like a bitch.

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