Wednesday, December 29, 2010

If I have to do it single, I'm going to do it right.

Hoo-ray. Another  year has passed and I haven't even dated anyone worth while (did I tell you about the guy I went on a date with who showed me the nice condos and things he'd buy me once I finished my masters, talked about how many kids we'd have and encouraged me to fix the gap in my teeth?-first and only date, he messaged me this morning asking me if i'd like to hang out. IGNORED!) and I'm ringing in the new year at work, once again, and single.
But this year, rather than working because I'd have nothing else to do, I'm working because I like the club I work at and make great money and because I'd rather make money and be behind the bar Busy then staring around the room wondering if I'm the only girl not kissing anyone at midnight.
So tomorrow I don't have to work until 6pm. I'm going to roll out of bed at my leisure, shower, go to the mall to purchase the finishing touches on my New's Years dress, get waxed and perhaps get a pedicure if time permits. I've lost a few pounds so a pedicure will look even better on me...
I will likely take myself out for a late lunch and then go to work.
I'll be ringing in 2011 sexified and happy, making money along side, what has turned out to be some great friends. AND my sister might come out to my club, so I'll get to cheers with her too!

What's the twist you're putting on your celebration?

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