Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Spring Chickens

I just watched Love Actually. Gets me everytime- I love it. I also love Valentines Day, great movies. Unlike most, I believe love is like it is in the movies- painful and rewarding, deep and passionate and of course, work.  I know people who do romantic things for the person they love all the time, and sexy things to keep the sparks alive. I'm a skeptic some days but I'm usually a complete and hopeless romantic; I can wait to fall in love because I know when I do, it will be great.


I was thinking about work and how much I still have to learn and get used to and I remembered yesterday, these two guys sat at my bar, which wasn't open yet and chatted with me for several minutes. We chit chatted about football, winter sports and the dangers of snowmobiling, family, Toronto neighbourhoods and sports injuries. The guys were Adam and Alberta (I can't remember the guy that did most of the talking's name). At one point we were talking about careers and jobs and our education and I told them I bartend while I chase dreams. More chatter. They asked me if I want to go back to school or what I want to do when I grow up and I said I'd like to get my masters eventually but hopefully I can make a living doing what I love and that I feel like I've been in school and working my whole life and haven't had a lot of fun yet or seen a lot of places and would like to do that first before jumping into a 'real job', which to me is code for I'm an actor, I'm just starting out and I'm nervous to tell you that because people aren't too kind to people with big dreams, or any dream really. And Alberta asked how old I was, because I talk like I'm so old. I told them I was 26 and Alberta said "Well you're no spring chicken are ya'?" Rude!
I said I guess not.
I suppose age matters in a lot of things, but when you're doing what makes you happy, or working towards something, a goal, age doesn't matter. And I'd rather be 60 going after my goals than to have lived my entire life wondering what would've happened if I'd just tried, to be an actor, wondering what would be different or if I'd be more successful or more happy. I'm doing this now because I waited until recently to be honest with myself and the world about what I want, and it's going to take time and effort and money and I'll have to make some sacrifices along the way, but I'll also learn a lot and meet a lot of people, go to great places, do great things, I think one day my career will give me a voice louder than mine is now and that too will be great, so... I figure, better late than never right? Any time is better than never.

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